Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kisah Orang Tua Yang Marah

A Kadir Jasin

DENGAN izin dan permohonan maaf, saya ingin menulis sesuatu yang peribadi kali ini iaitu mengenai ayah saya.

Saya pernah sekali sekala dan sepintas lalu menyebut mengenai beliau dalam tulisan-tulisan saya sebagai lulusan darjah empat sekolah Melayu dan lebai pondok yang berfikiran terbuka.

Saya terfikir dan berasa perlu menyebut mengenai beliau kerana pada usia 84 dia tiba-tiba melalui satu lagi transformasi – dia menjadi “seorang tua yang berang” – an angry old man.

“Kita orang kampung ni nak beli ikan temenung pun fikir dua kali. Semua harga dah naik. Ni pemimpin Umno dok berebut beli kereta mahal,” katanya dua hari lalu.

(Dia bercakap loghat Kedah yang saya bakukan untuk mudah difahami. Kereta mewah yang dimaksudkan itu adalah pembelian kereta Mercedes E200 oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional Terengganu yang dibangkang oleh kerajaaan BN pusat. Ikan temenung adalah ikan kembung dalam loghat Utara.)

Kebetulan ketika dia sedang membaca berita itu dari akhbar Utusan Malaysia, adik lelakinya datang berkunjung ditemani isteri dan menantunya. Tambah rancaklah ayah saya berhujah kerana adiknya itu adalah “musuh politiknya” sejak berdekad.

Sehingga beberapa tahun lalu, Umno adalah perjuangan hidup mati ayah saya. Bagi adiknya, Pak Su Salleh, pula Pas adalah darah dagingnya.

Tetapi dek kerana mereka adalah dua orang daripada 16 orang anak Penghulu Tahir, Tobiar yang “paling tinggi” pendidikan, maka mereka tidak bergaduh, pulau-memulau atau menuduh sesiapa kafir kerana ideologi pilitik.

“Aku tegah depa bayar yuran. Aku tak mahu jadi ahli Umno lagi. Biar m----s pi,” katanya merujuk kepada yuran tahunan keahlian Umno.

Pak Su Salleh yang juga lebai pondok yang berguru hingga ke Kelantan adalah pemimpin tempatan Pas dan kawan akrab Allahyarham Fadzil Noor, bekas Presiden Pas dan Ahli Parlimen Pendang.

“Aku pun dah serah balik senapang aku,” katanya dalam nada sedih campur marah.

Senapang patah yang sudah tua itu adalah simbol patriotisme dan perjuangan ayah saya. Ia diperoleh pada tahun 1948 ketika dia menjadi anggota Home Guard kampung Tanah Merah, Pendang.

Home Guard ditubuhkan oleh British sebagai barisan pertahanan akar umbi dalam usaha memerangi gerakan bersenjata Partai Komunis Malaya (PKM) ketika darurat 1948-1960.

Penyerahan kembali senapang patah itu adalah simbol protes beliau terhadap apa yang dilihatnya sebagai ketidakpedulian pemerintah terhadap rakyat jelata dan penyimpangan perjuangan Umno.

Perjuangannya, kata ayah, sudah tidak bererti lagi apabila para pembesar hanya mementingkan diri, kaum keluarga, sahabat handai dan kroni. (Istilah kroni itu dipelajarinya daripada media massa arus perdana yang menjadi sumber maklumatnya.)

Begitu marah dia dengan pembesar Umno sehingga dia tidak pun berasa hampa apabila Umno kalah teruk dalam pilihan raya umum 8 Mac lalu dan Kedah jatuh ke tangan Pas.

“Tak pa, Pas pun Paslah,” katanya kepada saya kali pertama saya pulang menemuinya selepas pilihan raya lalu.

Tak pa (tidak mengapa), katanya, kerana orang Pas tak sombong macam dulu lagi dan Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak (Menteri Besar) pun bagus.

Pada pilihan raya itu, buat kali pertama, dia tidak “mewajibkan” anak menantunya keluar mengundi. Sebelum itu, balik kampung, keluar mengundi dan memangkah BN adalah kemestian bagi anak menantu Haji Jasin bin Tahir.

Dia berkata kepada adiknya: "Allah Taala hantar Jepun mai ke Malaya untuk naikkan semangat orang Melayu. Orang Melayu berjuang mati-matian tuntut merdeka. Hari ini depa hancurkan bangsa. Allah Taala turunkan bala."

Dia membuat kesimpulan berikut:-

1. Pemimpin Umno lama yang berpendidikan dan dari latar belakang keluarga yang berada adalah lebih komited kepada perjuangan dan tidak terlalu bermata duitan; dan

2. Pemimpin generasi baru dari latar belakang yang miskin atau sederhana kurang semangat perjuangan dan mudah terpedaya oleh wang ringgit.

Orang tua Umno yang marah ini pernah menjadi ahli jawatankuasa bahagian pada tahun 1960an dan 1970an, dan berkali-kali memikul gulungan tikar dan bantal untuk menghadiri perhimpunan agung Umno di Kuala Lumpur.

Salah satu punca orang tua Umno ini terus marah adalah kerana dia terus membaca akhbar pilihannya, Utusan Malaysia. Setiap pagi selepas membaca akhbar itu, kemarahannya berulang semula.

Untuk berita TV dia menonton TV9 dan mengisi lebihan masanya dengan mendengar bacaan al-Quran oleh imam-iman Masjid Makkah dan Madinah dari cakera padat.

Minta maaf kalau cerita ayah saya ini tidak relevan buat saudara dan saudari dan membosankan. Tetapi saya berasa terhutang budi untuk menceritakan keluh kesah seorang tua yang sepanjang usianya komited kepada perjuangan.

Nota kaki: Hanya orang yang dangkal (dan tamak) sahaja akan membandingkan prestasi Mercedes E200 dengan Proton Perdana dan kemelut Mercedes lwn Proton ini adalah satu lagi petanda (symptom) kerajaan yang hilang kawalan dan tidak boleh dikawal. Suatu lagi kejadian yang menghina rakyat jelata yang dilanda inflasi dan kenaikan harga.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


MARA medicine/ surgery scholarship

MAJLIS Amanah Rakyat (MARA) sponsorship is now available to Bumiputera students seeking to study Monash University’s Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme at its Sunway campus in Petaling Jaya.

The sponsorship is under MARA’s Open Application Scheme. Selection of students will be based on their pre-university results, performance in the semi-structured interview as well as the results of an aptitude test.

To meet the requirements, students must first score three principals in the STPM or A-Levels with an “A” in chemistry.

Apart from that, those who score excellent results in other pre-university programmes such as Australian Matriculation, Australian Year 12, Monash University Foundation Year, Canadian Matriculation, Canadian International Matriculation Programme and International Baccalaureate will also be eligible for a sponsorship. Pre-requisite subjects include English or English as a Second Language (ESL) and chemistry.

Students whose pre-university qualifications do not include English or ESL must demonstrate their English language proficiency through the A-level or TOEFL English tests.

Apart from offering sponsorship for medicine, MARA also offers sponsorships for other Monash degree courses including engineering, information technology, business and science.

The sponsorships provided by MARA are interest-free and the repayment amount may be reduced if students achieve excellent results.

Call 03-5514-6000 or visit

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shell Malaysia Scholarship

The Shell Scholarship(Overseas &
Local) is now open for application.
The closing date is
31st March 2008.

To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:

* Successfully completed your SPM, STPM, O-Levels, A-Levels & Diploma

* Excellent academic achievement with emphasis in English

* Demonstration of leadership skills through active participation in
extra-curricular activities. e.g. societies and clubs, sports, etc.

* Strong academic record and realistic expectation of a high CGPA or its

Preferred disciplines for scholarships include:

* Engineering (Petroleum, Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical)

* Sciences (Geosciences, Chemistry and Physics)

* Business Administration / Economics

* Finance & Accounting

* IT (includes Business/ Management IT)

How to apply

Applications may be submitted provisionally based on latest semester results
(for Matriculation students) or Trial Examination results (for STPM students).
This may be done through schools or individually.

Shell Malaysia reserves the right for verification of the above.

Please indicate on the upper left side of the envelope whether your
application is for Overseas or Local scholarship. Duly completed Application
Form giving full personal and academic particulars, substantiated with certified
copy of actual examination results, parents’ salary slip/ Income Tax statement
and other relevant documents should reach the following address. The closing
date is 31st March 2008.

For students from Sabah & Sarawak only, please mail your application to:

The Scholarship Coordinator

Sarawak Shell Berhad

Locked Bag No.1

98009, Miri, Sarawak

Application forms are also available from Shell offices and Education offices
in both Sabah and Sarawak.

If you are from Sabah and Sarawak, for further details please contact:

Name Phone E-mail

Ms. Siti Rahanah 085-454477

Ms. Henrietta Anita Jinggut 085-454027

If you are from West Malaysia, for further details please contact:

Shell Malaysia Scholarship,Recruitment,

Shell People Services Asia


2nd Floor, Bangunan Shell Malaysia, Off Changkat Semantan,

Damansara Heights, 50490 KL.


* Interview is compulsory.

* Only shorlisted candidates will be notified.

* Incomplete Application Form and late submission will be rejected.


Tawaran Biasiswa Perguruan Persekutuan Program Ijazah Pertama Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam

Tawaran Biasiswa Perguruan Persekutuan Program Ijazah Pertama Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam is now open for application.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) mempelawa calon - calon Ijazah Pertama di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam ambilan November/Disember 2006 dan ambilan Julai 2007 untuk mendapatkan tawaran Biasiswa Perguruan Pesekutuan di bawah KPM.

Syarat - Syarat Permohonan

  1. Calon mestilah Warganegara Malaysia.
  2. Umur calon tidak melebihi 22 tahun pada 1 Julai 2008.
  3. Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan tidak layak memohon.
  4. Pengajian SEPENUH MASA ambilan November/Disember 2006 dan ambilan Julai 2007 Program Ijazah Pertama di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam.
  5. Tawaran biasiswa ini dibuka kepada pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan dan pelajar Fakulti Sains yang menawarkan bidang Kimia, Fizik, Biologi dan Matematik. Pelajar Fakulti Sains perlu mengikuti Pengajian Diploma Pendidikan setelah tamat Ijazah Pertama.
  6. Calon perlu mendapat sekurang - kurangnya PNGK 2.75 bagi keputusan peperiksaan untuk memohon.
  7. Calon yang berkelayakan sahaja akan dipanggil untuk menduduki Ujian Inventori Sahsiah Keguruan (INSAK). Calon yang lulus INSAK akan dipanggil untuk ditemuduga.
  8. Calon yang berjaya ditawarkan biasiswa KPM perlu melepaskan tajaan sedia ada.

Tarikh tutup : 31/01/2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

NST-MAPCU Scholarship Fund 2007-2008

Students who have recently completed their A-Levels, STPM or SPM examinations and who intend to pursue tertiary courses at Malaysian Association of Private Colleges & Universities (MAPCU) member institutions are invited to apply for the NST-MAPCU Scholarship Fund.

Please apply directly to the member institution of your choice. There is no official closing date. The scholarship will be available until it has been offered.

Details of Scholarship
Scholarship Features

* The value of each scholarship shall be RM7,000 or more by way of waiver of tuition fee.
* All courses must be undertaken and completed in Malaysia.
* The scholarships are for different types of courses in terms of disciplines and levels.
* Scholarships available are for the following levels of study :
o Degree courses
o Diploma and Higher Diploma courses
* The duration of courses range from 1 to 4 years
* Students are allowed to apply to more than one institution but only one scholarship offer will be made.
* The scholarship programme will be for intakes in 2007, subjected to availability
* Applicants may apply to participating institutions based on their forecast result. However the award of scholarship shall only be made on receipt of the detail results.


To be eligible for the scholarship programme, applicants must meet the following general requirements:

* Applicants must be Malaysian citizens.
* Applicants must possess good academic results in SPM/‘O’ Level, UEC and/or STPM/‘A’ Level examinations or equivalent.
* Applicants must qualify to gain admission to the participating institution for the relevant course.
* Applicants must be active in sports and/or co-curricular activities.
* Applicants must possess leadership qualities and be self motivated.
* Applicants must be financially deserving.
* Applicants must not already be in receipt of any scholarships, financial aid or award from other educational institutions or organizations.
* Applicants must abide by the terms and conditions of the NST-MAPCU Scholarship Programme.
* Applicants must abide by all other terms and conditions of the awarding institution, including any bond required.

How To Apply?

To obtain an application form, submit a stamped (40 cents) self-addressed envelope (25cm x 30cm) to:

NST-MAPCU Scholarship Secretariat
c/o Monash University Malaysia
No. 2 Jalan Kolej
Bandar Sunway
46150 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Mr. Phang Koon Tuck / Ms. Loke Bee Khum
Tel: +6 03 5636 0600
Fax: +6 03 5631 2580

MIED Education Loan

Maju Institute of Education Development (MIED) offers RM43 million in loans with an average disbursement of RM6 million to RM7 million annually. The loans are open to all Malaysians.

Eligibility criteria
You must have at least five credits in the SPM examination. Priority is given to Malaysian students pursuing studies at Malaysian institutions.

Loan coverage
The loan covers up to 100% of tuition fees.

How to apply

You can obtain the application form from MIED. Please contact MIED to find out the date for applications.

Maju Institute of Education Development (MIED)
8th Floor, Menara Manikavasagam
No. 1, Jalan Rahmat
50350 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 - 4042 2885
Fax: N/A


Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Star Education Fund Scholarship Awards 2008

Applications are now open to Malaysians for scholarship awards offered by the following educational institutions.


• be Malaysian citizens of not more than 25 years of age as at 1st January 2008.

• have excelled in extra-curricular activities and active in sports.

• not be bonded to or in any receipt of any financial aid or awards from other educational institutions or organizations.

• for Foundation/Diploma courses, applicants must possess reasonably good results in the SPM/UEC or equivalent.

• for Higher and Advanced Diploma/Degree courses, applicants must possess reasonably good results in the STPM/A-Level/ UEC or equivalent

Application Procedure

To obtain an application form,

• please click HERE for a printable version, OR

• submit a stamped (40 sen) self-addresses envelope (25cm x 30cm) to:

The Star Education Fundc/o Star Publications (M) Bhd
Menara Star
15, Jalan 16/11 Section 16
46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Completed application forms with the required certified supporting documents listed in the application forms must be received by (2) two weeks after the release of SPM / STPM results. Late applications will not be accepted. Only short-listed applicants will be notified.

CIMB Education Loan Assurance

Pursue your studies without worries

Education Loan Assurance is essentially an insurance coverage for education loans. In the event of death or permanent disablement, your total outstanding of the education loan will be fully paid.


- Two types of coverage namely single (student) and joint (student and the payor).
- Protection for the borrower in the event of death due to any causes, or total and permanent disablement (TPD).
- Coverage period - Maximum 10 years.


- In the event of early settlement of loan, the policyholder can surrender for cash surrender value or can be assigned to cover other loans or converted to a personal reducing term assurance.
- 100% refund in the event of loan cancellation (1st year only).
- Repayment period - Minimum 5 years.
- Deferment period - Minimum 0 years and maximum 5 years.
- 24-hour worldwide protection.


- Student - Minimum age is 16 years old
- Payor - Minimum age is 25 years old and maximum age is 60 years old. Act now!

Call Centre at 1 300 885 055.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pinjaman Pelajaran MARA


Bantuan kewangan dalam bentuk pinjaman pelajaran merupakan salah satu daripada aktiviti utama MARA di bawah Sektor Pendidikan. Bantuan ini ditawarkan kepada pelajar bumiputera yang berkelayakan dan berpotensi melanjutkan pengajian di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Bahagian yang bertanggungjawab melaksanakan aktiviti ini ialah Bahagian Penganjuran Pelajaran MARA.


Menambah gunatenaga terlatih bumiputera dalam bidang profesional, teknikal dan pengurusan melalui penyediaan kemudahan pembiayaan untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat tinggi di dalam dan di luar negara.

1.Matlamat tajaan adalah untuk membantu pelajar bumiputera yang berpotensi dan berkelayakan terutama yang memerlukan bantuan kewangan untuk mengikuti pengajian di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi dalam bidang-bidang Sains, Teknologi, Profesional, Kepakaran dan Pengurusan Perniagaan serta bidang-bidang lain yang dikenalpasti oleh MARA dari masa ke semasa.

2.Kadar bantuan pinjaman pelajaran MARA ditentukan berasaskan kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) tetapi tertakluk kepada keadaan peruntukan kewangan MARA.

3.Tajaan pelajaran MARA adalah khusus untuk calon-calon bumiputera sahaja selaras dengan Akta Majlis Amanah Rakyat 1966.


Calon mestilah Melayu / bumiputera warganegara Malaysia

1.Tidak pernah ditamatkan bantuan atau ditarik balik bantuan oleh mana-mana penaja atas sebab tindakan disiplin.

2.Tidak pernah dianjur oleh mana-mana penaja lain di peringkat yang sama kecuali untuk kursus-kursus kritikal dan profesional atas keperluan semasa .

3.Mendapat pelepasan kontrak / penangguhan bayaran balik jika pernah ditaja oleh badan lain untuk pengajian sebelumnya.

4.Mesti mendapat cuti belajar tanpa gaji / pelepasan jawatan / kebenaran bertulis daripada majikan bagi mereka yang sedang berkhidmat.

5.Diperakui sihat dan normal oleh doktor yang bertauliah.

6.Pengajian sepenuh masa dalam dan luar negara.

7.Umur yang ditetapkan bagi setiap program yang dipohon :

Dalam Negara

• Diploma-tidak melebihi 35 tahun
• Ijazah-tidak melebihi 40 tahun
• Sarjana-tidak melebihi 45 tahun
• PhD-tidak melebihi 45 tahun

Luar Negara

• Diploma-tidak ditawarkan
• Ijazah-tidak melebihi 30 tahun
• Sarjana-tidak melebihi 35 tahun
• PhD-tidak melebihi 40 tahun

8.Memenuhi syarat Status Sosio Ekonomi Keluarga seperti yang ditetapkan.



Program ini disediakan khusus untuk pelajar-pelajar yang mencapai keputusan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan SPM.

a.Program Persediaan Universiti Luar Negara (Pengajian ke Luar Negara)

Program ini dijalankan sepenuhnya di dalam negara. Pelajar-pelajar yang menamatkan program ini dengan cemerlang dan memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan akan meneruskan pengajian peringkat ijazah pertama di universiti terkemuka di luar negara.

* Program ini hanya diiklankan dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan biasanya sebulan sebelum keputusan SPM diumumkan (tertakluk kepada pindaan).

Program-program yang disediakan adalah seperti berikut (tertakluk kepada pindaan) :


American Degree Foundation Programme (14 bulan)
A – Level (1.5 – 2.0 tahun)
A-Level German (2.5 tahun)
Diploma International Baccalaurete (IB)(2.0 tahun)
Perubatan Russia (3 – 6 bulan)
Perubatan Indonesia (1.0 tahun)
Kejuruteraan Peranchis (1.5 tahun)
Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT)(1.5 tahun)

b.Program Persediaan Universiti Luar Negara (Pengajian Dalam Negara)

Pelajar-pelajar yang menamatkan program ini dengan cemerlang dan memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan akan meneruskan pengajian sepenuhnya di institusi yang dikenalpasti di Malaysia.

*Program ini hanya diiklankan dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan biasanya sebulan sebelum keputusan SPM diumumkan (tertakluk kepada pindaan).


i.Program Ijazah Pertama bagi calon lepasan Matrikulasi / Diploma
ii.Program Profesional bagi calon lepasan Diploma / Ijazah Pertama
iii.Program Sarjana bagi calon lepasan Ijazah Pertama
iv. Program Ijazah Doktor Falsafah bagi calon lepasan Sarjana

* Program ini hanya diiklankan dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan pada setiap hujung tahun bagi kemasukan sesi tahun hadapannya (tertakluk kepada pindaan). Walaubagaimanapun, pertimbangan tajaan adalah tertakluk kepada peruntukan semasa dan dasar terkini MARA.




i.Diploma Teknikal/ICT di IPMa seperti German Malaysian Institute (GMI),UniKL (BMI, MFI, MIAT, MIMET, MICET, MSI, IIM) dan Kolej Poly Tech MARA (KPTM).

ii.Diploma Usahasama IPTA di KPTM dan IPTS yang berdaftar dengan MARA.

iii.Diploma di IPTS lain yang berdaftar dengan MARA dan program yang mendapat Sijil Akreditasi Penuh LAN.


i.Ijazah Pertama di IPMa

ii.Program Kerjasama / Francais IPTA di IPMa dan IPTS yang berdaftar dengan MARA.

iii.Program Berkembar Universiti Luar Negara 3 + 0 di IPTS yang berdaftar dengan MARA.


i.Perakaunan – CA / ACCA / CIMA / ICAEW dan lain-lain
ii.Institute Of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (ICSA)
iii.Chartered Institute Of Transport (CIT)
iv.Chartered Institute Of Insurance (CII)
v.Chartered Institute Of Logistics
vi.Certified Financial Planner
vii.Senibina Bahagian II
viii.Bidang-bidang lain yang diiktiraf oleh Badan-badan Profesional


Tajaan bagi program ini adalah tertakluk kepada bidang/kursus yang diutamakan serta memenuhi syarat dan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan oleh MARA, serta mendapat tawaran masuk ke Universiti berkaitan.

Walaubagaimanapun, pertimbangan tajaan adalah tertakluk kepada peruntukan semasa dan dasar terkini


Tajaan bagi program ini adalah tertakluk kepada bidang-bidang kepakaran yang diutamakan serta memenuhi syarat dan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan oleh MARA, serta mendapat tawaran masuk ke Universiti berkaitan.

Walaubagaimanapun, pertimbangan tajaan adalah tertakluk kepada peruntukan semasa dan dasar terkini MARA.

Still very heavy!!

What an excellent start to 2008! The first picture says it all… it was the same exciting thought on every parent’s mind, ``Wow! We don’t have to buy textbooks this year!’’
Yes, and that made all the kids happy too.

There was no need to stay up the night and pack all the brand new text books into a brand new school bag.

So, the first schooling day of 2008 saw parents sending off their kids with very light bags.
The kids were overjoyed. They didn’t have to bend over lugging heavy school bags with all the text books they had bought.

Some just slung the bag over their shoulder of off they went!!
But, the scenario was totally different went they came returned back from school. It was the same picture of 2007!! Little kids with bulging bags, trudging home.

So, what do we do? The solution is simple of course. Just take some time off in the night to pack the school bag according to the timetable given by your teachers.

Then, you won’t complain about heavy bags anymore. And, you won’t have to worry that you might forget to bring any book because your teacher will follow the timetable given to you.
So, parents and kids, be happy.

It is a wonderful start to the year 2008 with free books and less fees to pay. All you got to do is pay attention and enjoy your year at school.

Time is precious. Enjoy every minute of it.

Assunta Hospital Scholarship

This scholarship only made available for those pursuing Diploma in Nursing (3-Year Course)
The scholarship includes monthly allowance, tuition fee, uniform, accomodation and also medical coverage.

If interested, contact :

Assistant Director of Nursing II (Education)
Tun Tan Cheng Lock College of Nursing
Assunta Hospital, Jalan Templer,
46990 PJ, Selangor
Tel: 03-7780 6199
Fax: 7783 6454

Pertandingan MySkills 2008

Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia akan menganjurkan Pertandingan MySkills 2008.

Objektif pertandingan ini adalah untuk memberi pengiktirafan dan meningkatkan kekompetenan tenaga pengajar di pusat latihan kemahiran di Malaysia disamping membangunkan tenaga pengajar yang kompetitf dan efisyen yang setaraf di peringkat antarabangsa (world- class trainer).

Pengiktirafan dan ganjaran akan diberi kepada pengajar yang berjaya ke peringkat akhir Pertandingan MySkills. Hadiah bagi pemenang adalah seperti yang berikut :-

Hadiah Platinum
RM 10,000.00 dan sijil

RM 7,000.00 dan sijil

RM 5,000.00 dan sijil

RM 3,000.00 dan sijil

RM 500.00 dan sijil

Sebanyak 30 bidang kemahiran yang akan dipertandingkan dalam tahun 2008 termasuk 2 bidang demo seperti jadual di bawah :-

1 Polymechanics/Automation
2 Mechatronics
3 Mech.Eng.CADD
4 CNC Turning
5 CNC Miling
6 IT/Software Applications
7 Welding
8 Wall & Floor Tiling
9 Plumbing
10 Industrial Electronics
11 Web Design
12 Electrical Installations
13 Bricklaying
14 Cabinet Making
15 Carpentry
16 Floristry
17 Ladies/Mens Hairdressing
18 Ladies Dressmaking
19 Confectioner/Pastry Cook
20 Automobile Technology
21 Cooking
22 Restaurant Service
23 Landscape Gardening
24 Refrigerator
25 IT PC / Network Support
26 Graphic Design Technology
27 Batik
28 Beautician
29 Mould
30 Joinery

Syarat Penyertaan

(a) Warganegara Malaysia dan berumur 21 tahun ke atas; dan
(b) Mempunyai pengalaman mengajar dalam bidang yang dipertandingkan tidak kurang dari 2 tahun;
(c) Terbuka kepada semua pengajar kemahiran kecuali urusetia dan panel hakim yang terlibat di dalam pertandingan;
(d) Peserta yang telah memenangi pingat Platinum di dalam Pertandingan MySkills tidak dibenarkan untuk menyertai Pertandingan MySkills seterusnya;
(e) Telah mendapat kebenaran dan sokongan daripada majikan untuk menyertai pertandingan;
(f) Permohonan bagi setiap peserta perlu melalui agensi masing-masing (agensi kerajaan sahaja)

Bayaran Penyertaan
Bayaran sebanyak RM 100.00 dikenakan kepada setiap peserta melalui local order / kiriman wang / bank draft sahaja.

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Tarikh tutup permohonan adalah pada 11/02/2008.

Tarikh Pertandingan
i. Pra-Kelayakan Pertandingan MySkills : 3 - 5 Mac 2008
ii. Peringkat AKhir Pertandingan MySkills : 7 - 11 April 2008

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Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)

Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) awards are made to citizens of Commonwealth countries and are primarily for postgraduate programmes, although funding for undergraduate degree courses may be possible if there are no suitable equivalents in your home country.

Visit the Commonwealth Scholarship for details.

British Chevening Scholarships

What are the aims of the scholarships?
These scholarships enable future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers from around the world to become familiar with the UK, to gain new skills or update current professional skills. The ultimate objective is that Chevening scholars benefit their countries on their return.

Why apply for a scholarship?
Chevening scholarships offer an ideal opportunity for young professionals to study their chosen subject, and to meet and network with their peers in the UK’s unique learning atmosphere. The British Prime Minister Tony Blair said "the UK offers a first class ticket to educational excellence".

Where does the scheme operate?
Chevening scholarships are available in more than 150 countries, including Malaysia.

Why are they called Chevening?
They are named after Chevening House in Kent, the official country residence of the Foreign Secretary.

Chevening Scholarships in Malaysia
Over 1000 Malaysian scholars have studied in the UK since the programme started in 1984. Most now hold positions of responsibility in public administration and government, international organisations, journalism, commerce, science and education. The scholarships are used to fund short-term tailor-made professional courses and long-term academic programmes in UK higher education institutions. Companies and academic institutions also support the Chevening Malaysia programme through the co-funding of a Partnership Award.

Are the Chevening scholarships course or institution specific?
No. You can search for information on admission to universities and courses from this website.

Am I eligible to apply?
If you would like to be considered for a Chevening Scholarship, you should have an upper second class degree or higher. You should also be able to demonstrate drive, determination, ambition and have a strong personality.
In addition, you would be expected to show you have some working experience, with an excellent track record illustrating your achievements, and evidence that you will become a leader in your chosen field. Most successful candidates are aged between 25 and 35.
The scholarship is not for you if you wish to pursue undergraduate studies, professional courses, part-time and distance learning UK postgraduate programmes.

What does the scholarship fund?
Scholarships are awarded for studies of up to one year and will cover tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, a modest allowance to help with settling in the UK and to cover books and warm clothing, a return airfare to the UK and a gratis student visa. However, for business school programmes the tuition fees' element of the scholarship is capped at £12,000.

How do I apply?
Applicants should apply through the Foreign & Commonwealth Office electronic online application system (e-Chevening).

When can I apply?
Applications for the British Chevening Scholarships Malaysia Programme for the academic year 2008/09 are now closed.The next recruitment round in August and September of 2008 will be for the academic year 2009/10.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The Australian National University and The ANU Alumni Association Malaysia will offer scholarship to outstanding Malaysians for study in Australia at The Australian National University in 2008.

This scholarship covers tuition fees and an annual stipend of A$10,000 for any Bachelor’s degree (including Honours and combined degree). You should have completed upper secondary schooling in 2007.

This scholarship covers tuition fees, stipend and allowances for three years. You should hold at least a First Class Honours degree or a Master degree from a recognised University.

The Australian National University
IDP Education Australia,
6th Floor, West Block, Wisma Selangor Dredging,
142-C Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2162 3755
Fax: 03-2162 2078

SSPN account needed for loan

All parents must now open a National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) account in order to qualify for a government study loan.
Under a new ruling that comes into force this year, parents with a monthly household income of less than RM2,000 must have deposited at least RM500 in their account to qualify for a loan under the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN).

Parents who earn more than RM2,000 monthly must have saved up at least RM3,000.
PTPTN private higher education loan division manager Abdul Ghaffar Yusop said that only orphans are exempted from this new ruling.
“Parents can deposit as little as RM20 a month. The main advantage of the SSPN is that the Government provides a matching grant of up to RM10,000 for parents who earn less than RM2,000 monthly,” he said.

Abdul Ghaffar was one of the three speakers at the Funding Higher Education talk, held in conjunction with Star Education Fair 2008 which ended yesterday at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Other benefits of the SSPN, which is administered by PTPTN, include yearly dividends that are tax-exempt.
In his talk, Abdul Ghaffar advised students to check whether the institution of higher learning they intend to study in is registered with the Higher Education Ministry.
“Make sure that the course you want to do is accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency too. This is important as only courses and colleges that are recognised by these two bodies are eligible for PTPTN loans,” he said.

Star Education Fund manager Richard Foo reminded students to put effort into their scholarship application forms.
“Don’t do it at the last minute. Your application form will determine whether you are called for the scholarship interview,” Foo said, adding that this year the fund will be giving out scholarships worth RM10.3mil from 42 educational institutions to 341 students.

Doreen John, an education adviser with the Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange, advised students interested in the United States as a study destination to look for institutions that offer tuition fee waivers.

“More than 300 colleges and universities in the US give tuition fee waivers,” John said.
Another tip was to consider studying in south and central US states, where the cost of living is lower, and at community colleges, where tuition fees are more affordable.

Firm offers four scholarship awards

LOH Boon Siew Benevolence Sdn Bhd is offering four scholarship awards worth RM18,000 for students to enrol in full-time undergraduate degree courses for 2008.

Malaysians enrolling in degree courses at recognised colleges or universities are encouraged to apply for the scholarship, which is worth RM4,500 per scholarship per an-num.
The awards will subjected to an annual review of the applicants’ academic performances and will be valid for the approved minimum period required by the applicants to complete their courses.
Selection of the awards will be based on applicants’ academic performances and all-round excellence.

Application forms can be obtained either in person or by mail request from Boon Siew Scholarship committee office at 25-B Lebuh Farquhar, Penang.
Applications sent in by mail must be enclosed with a self-addressed envelope (22.86cm by 10.16cm) affixed with a 50 sen stamp.

Application forms must be sealed in an envelope with ‘Boon Siew Scholarship’ written on the top left hand corner and must reach the scholarship committee by April 1.

Successful applicants will be notified by post. For details, call Lily Ooi at 04-261 7748.

More ties with Beijing varsity

THE Education Ministry will work more closely with the Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) in the areas of student exchange and teacher training.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said this after BFSU president Prof Hao Ping and senior officers from the Embassy of China in Malaysia paid him a courtesy call at his office on Jan 15.

This was a follow-up visit after the minister's trip to China in May last year.
Hishammuddin also discussed the establishment of an international school in Penang with Prof Hao, which he said would further strengthen the relationship between the two countries.
“The school will be a joint effort between BFSU and the private sector in Malaysia,” he said in a statement.

Savings Towards Higher Education

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional is proud to introduce a savings scheme which puts emphasis on ‘Savings Towards Higher Education’.

Besides ensuring annual dividend returns, the SSPN also provides special financial incentives in the form of Matching Grants especially for low income depositors. In addition, insurance coverage and payment of death compensation is provided free of charge to all eligible depositors.

This scheme is open to all Malaysians.

Contact Us:
Tel No: 03 - 2092 7788
Fax No: 03 - 2098 6589

PTPTN Education Loan Scheme

The PTPTN Education Loan Scheme was set up with the aim of providing education loans to students pursuing their studies in local institutions of higher learning (IPT). This loan will enable students to fully or partially pay their fees and their subsistence for the duration of their study in the IPT. Thus, this scheme provides greater opportunities to students to continue their tertiary education.
The scope of the PTPTN education loan facility is limited to students pursuing studies at the diploma and first degree levels in IPTs established under the following acts:

  • Universities and Universities Colleges Act 1971
  • Institut Teknologi MARA Act 1976
  • Private Higher Education Institutions Act 1996
  • Education Act 1996

Star Education Fund

With a diploma or degree increasingly becoming the minimum requirement in the job market, students not only have to study hard to get the required grades but also think about how to finance their studies.
With 341 awards worth RM10.3mil, the Star Education Fund is one of the larger bodies offering scholarships in cooperation with various private institutions of higher learning.
Star Education Fund manager Richard Foo will be speaking more on the scholarships available under the fund during the Funding Higher Education talk at Star Education Fair 2008.
The talk will be held in Ballroom 1 of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre at 12.45pm on Sunday.
Foo said he would inform the audience about what was available in the 2008 Fund, and also how students could apply for the scholarships.
“I will also be touching on what students should consider in order to choose the right course, as well as tips on how to prepare for scholarship interviews,” he added.
Foo will be joined by a representative from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) and Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange educational adviser Doreen John.
The PTPTN representative will be speaking on loans available from companies, while those interested in studying in the United States can learn how to obtain funding from American universities from John.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Menurut entri Pendedahan Dalang2 Yang Hendak Membawa PAS Masuk Barisan Nasional, Kemuncak dari usaha ini adalah perjumpaan antara Najib Tun Razak bersama Timbalan Presiden PAS, Ustaz Nasaruddin Mat Isa dan Cikgu Mustafa Ali di London.
Najib Tun Razak telah menyatakan tawaran mereka kepada PAS.
Tawaran tersebut adalah:
a. Jawatan Menteri Besar kepada PAS di Selangor, Perak, Kedah dan Kelantan.
b. Jawatan exco kepada PAS di Terengganu, Pahang, Perlis dan Johor.
c. PAS akan mendapat kesemua kerusi yang dimenangi oleh PKR dan DAP untuk ditandingi dalam PRU ke 12 kelak.
d. PAS akan mendapat jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri ke 2
e. PAS akan diberikan 5 jawatan Menteri Kabinet penuh
f. Sejumlah jawatan Timbalan Menteri, Setiausaha Parlimen. Sejumlah jawatan Senator dan Ahli Majlis dalam GLC